How To Survive Dry July Without Becoming A Social Outcast

There’s no doubt that if you’re an Australian drinking alcohol can bring great joy and make social situations that little bit more enjoyable/bearable. But, if your boozy NYE and Christmas party season stint is still going strong now we’re in June, laying off the hard stuff could do wonders for your health, and wallet.

That’s why each year many people (try to) commit to Dry July, a month long challenge to stay away from alcohol and help raise funds for people affected by cancer.

Participants do, however, risk becoming a social outcast with their reluctance to get into the drinking spirit over this short period of time. That is why we have put together a list of 6 easy ways to survive Dry July without sacrificing your social life, or sanity.

#1 Stay In, In Style


With the freezing temperatures, lockout laws and overpriced drinks these days, going out just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Why not stay in this Dry July and either host your very own Magnificent Bastard dinner party without the temptation of an Old Fashioned, or indulge in a little Netflix and chill and bask in the JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out).

#2 Get Physical


When was the last time you hit the gym, buddy? And we’re not talking about the 10 minute yarn you had by the treadmill. There’s plenty of interesting active stuff happening over July to get stuck into. In Sydney there’s the Duathlon on the 24th of July and in Melbourne there’s the Hamilton Park Run on July 2nd. Not only will you be rocking an insane rig come August, it’s the perfect distraction from your mates pissing it away at the pub.

#3 Reward Yourself


All that money you’ve saved and haven’t spent of pay day beers? Two words, treat yoself. Invest that hard earned cash in something you’ve had your eye on for a while, then wear it/use it in front of your hungover mates with the kind of smarmy arrogance that only comes with being totally and stylishly sober.

#4 Dance & Dance Hard


Ever tried to cut a rug while heavily intoxicated? We’re going to guess that it didn’t go so well for you, and we’re certain your mates have photographic proof. Being sober means you can bust out more difficult and coordinated moves without ending up on the floor, out the door, or without any friends in the harsh light of day. Plus, dancing burns calories which can only mean good things for your waistline.

#5 Escape


If being around your drunk and obnoxious mates all month is making you want to tear your hair out then taking a weekend away might be just what the doctor (and your liver) ordered. A little change of scenery, whether it’s unwinding in sunny North Queensland or soaking up the culture in Tassie, is a refreshing distraction from booze-related shenanigans.

#6 Get Creative


This can mean a variety of things, whether it’s picking up that old guitar you’ve been meaning to learn, trying your hand at a bit of Masterchef-grade cooking, or simply experimenting with some clever (and deceiving) mocktails while you’re out on the town. Channel you’re inner kid and start having some sober fun.