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20 Stylish Face Masks To Beat Any Disease 2023 Throws At You

Stay safe but look good with the best face masks available.

We can probably all agree that nobody really wants to wear face masks right now, but the fact of the matter is they’re quickly becoming an essential accessory in everyday life. However, the standard blue face masks you can get by the bulk load are pretty ugly, and we reckon that has something to do with the lack of uptake from the general public.

It’s clearly a theory many fashion brands have had as well, as we’ve seen a whole wave of face masks appearing from some of our favourite designers. They, of course, not only serve a purpose to protect you and the wider public from contracting that notorious virus, but they also serve as a genuine fashion accessory and one that can easily transform any outfit.

Features of a good face mask

When it comes to buying a face mask, you’ll need to make sure you can get a tight but comfortable fit around your face. You don’t want any gaps at the top or sides, as this will make it completely redundant. Most masks have elasticated sides, able to stretch to virtually any size, or adjustable ear loops, and some even have flexible wire in the main section to mould to your face.

For a face mask to be effective it should also have multiple layers of fabric to act as a filtration system, but also to allow you to breathe normally. You don’t want to be taking your mask off all the time to inhale large amounts of air. You may have seen mention of N95 filters online, but you’re unlikely to get a mask with one of these as they need to be reserved for healthcare workers.

Caring for your face mask

Only put on and remove your face mask using the handles/ear loops rather than holding the main piece that goes over your mouth, and don’t pull it down to your neck when you need to remove it. Your neck can be a stomping ground for germs and bacteria, so putting your face mask here will just transfer a layer of those germs to it.

It’s recommended that you wash your face mask before the first wear and after each wear; some masks are machine washable which makes this task slightly easier, but otherwise, a simple handwash with a tiny amount of washing detergent is fine.

We’ve also seen stories online of people microwaving their masks in an attempt to kill any bacteria. This, and we cannot stress this enough, is NOT a wise thing to do. Do not microwave your face mask. Microwaving = not good!