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20 Best Face Washes For Men

Oily, dry or somewhere in-between? No matter your skin type these are the best men's face washes for you.

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If you want your skin to look its best, you need to use a dedicated face wash for men on a daily basis to wash away dirt, grime and other nasties.

There’s a whole universe of products on the market today thanks to the growing popularity of men’s grooming, but only a few really make the grade in terms of the ingredients used and the positive effect they have on your complexion. So before you go all out and grab the first thing you see online, ask yourself a few questions –

Why Is A Specific Face Wash Important?

Your face is a minefield of dead skin and oily build-up, which can either make your face look dry or greasy, neither of which is a particularly endearing look. The best face washes help repair the dry stuff and remove the sebum that gives your face an unwanted sweaty reflection. A good face wash for men will also inject essential vitamins back into your chops to keep you looking a million dollars.

Why Choose Natural Face Wash Ingredients?

Where possible, try to buy a face wash designed specifically for men, and one with as many natural ingredients as possible that work for your skin type. This will help you avoid sensitive reactions to products and long term damage to your skin. If you do need to use synthetics because of a particular need, ensure that they are proven to positively enhance your skin without causing issues down the line.

What Different Types Of Face Wash Exist And Why?

Face washes for men come in different forms, from powders and gels to bars and foams. This is usually to serve a purpose, such as effective exfoliation or removing unwanted oil build up. So just check what your skin needs by studying it a bit. Is it looking dry or tight? Are you getting spots due to clogged up pores? Is the skin under your eyes looking fatigued? These are all factors when choosing the right type of application for you.

Also, consider the practicality and size of each individual product before purchase. Will you have time to use it effectively on a daily basis? Is it something that is easy to use whilst city-hopping on business trips? These are all important factors.

Men’s Face Wash FAQ

Which men's face wash is good for oily skin?

When you're selecting cleansers and face wash for oily skin, look for products with glycerin, salicylic acid and niacinamide. Willow bark extract also work as it naturally exfoliates skin and clears pores.

Are organic face washes better for your skin ?

Organic face wash and cleansers are great additions to any skin care routine. They cleanse, repair and nourish skin using the power of natural ingredients without the need for harsh chemicals.

What skin type is foaming cleanser best for?

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, foaming cleansers are ideal for you. They can be harsh to already dry or very sensitive skin because they are formulated to dry out the skin.

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So now you have a bit of knowledge, here comes the fun part. We’ve rounded up the best face washes for men, so that you stay looking fresh and clean on a daily basis.